OSRS Bronze dragon

Detailed information about OldSchool RuneScape Bronze dragon NPC.

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Bronze dragon

Bronze dragon
RuneScape Bronze dragon NPC
Combat LvL131

Where can it be found

Brimhaven dungeon, east of the Black demons


Bronze dragons aren't too bad to train on. You can attain approximately 31,200 combat XP, 10,374 Hitpoints XP and 4,320 Prayer XP per hour, killing one per minute.

Examine Message

Its scales seem to be made of bronze.


Bronze dragons have a strong fire-breath and melee abilities. They are able to hit up to 20 with melee, and even higher with their magic-based fire-breath. Despite this, protect from magic is not 100% effective against their breath, however an Antifire potion will protect you from the fire-breath for 6 minutes.

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